Topics include:
- Space and Extreme environments (UV, charged particles, temperature...),
- Planetary environments (Lunar and Martian regolith...),
- Dust mitigation and related problems (degradation of materials performance, electrical build-up...),
- Micrometeoroids and debris in space environment and related effects,
- Atomic Oxygen effects (LEO/VLEO applications),
- Radiation-induced ageing, charging, outgassing,
- Contamination testing and modelling, thermo-optical properties of contaminated surfaces, species separation,
- Protection coatings (atomic oxygen, charging, contamination, radiation shielding),
- Innovative materials (self-healing, bio-inspired …) and processes in space sub-systems,
- Effect of space environment on "COTS" or "terrestrial" technologies (low budget, Cub-sat, short lifetime LEO missions),
- Smart / multifunctional / nano materials and coatings,
- Additive manufacturing, printed ink electronics…,
- Clean Space and sustainability (reusable materials, mitigation of debris)
- Long-term storage and materials obsolescence,
- Standards and Regulations,
- Ground testing (best practice, data),
- Test Facilities and platforms,
- Flight experiments : design, data and lesson learned