Update on Planetary, Lunar, & Asteroid Natural Environment Testbed (PLANET)
Erin Hayward  1, *@  , Todd Schneider  1@  , Jason Vaughn  1@  , Patrick Lynn  1@  , Peter Bertone  1@  , Mary Nehls  1@  
1 : NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
* : Corresponding author

At ISMSE15, the Planetary, Lunar, & Asteroid Natural Environment Testbed (PLANET) was introduced as an upcoming high-fidelity, combined-effects planetary surface environment laboratory. This year, we will present an update on the facility status, describing the procurement, installation, commissioning of the chamber in Huntsville, Alabama (USA).

With NASA's push to return to the Moon through the Artemis program, there is a clear need for more high-fidelity test chambers that can replicate multiple aspects of the lunar surface, especially the fine, dusty lunar soil known as regolith. The PLANET chamber is designed to fill this gap, enabling research & development, qualification, and verification testing in a combined lunar surface environment, at an affordable price, for government, commercial/industry, and academic partners.

Features include a large regolith simulant bed, low energy electron and ion sources to replicate the solar wind, full-spectrum UV and Solar simulation, and a liquid nitrogen cryogenic shroud, all in a high-vacuum environment (as low as 10^-7 mbar). PLANET's initial focus will be on the lunar environment, but other surface environments (Martian, asteroid, etc.) are also possible to simulate. Besides the environmental instrumentation, PLANET will be equipped with specialized test systems that the Space Environmental Effects Team has developed over the past two years, including an in-situ tribometer and uniform dust distribution system.

The chamber is currently being manufactured, with plans to install in May 2024. This will be followed by outfitting and commissioning. The challenges and accomplishments seen during this process will be detailed, and data from the first tests performed in PLANET will be shared with the community.

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