Thomas Renger  1, *@  , Erik Klein  1@  , Patric Seefeldt  1@  , Andreas Witzke  1@  , Maciej Sznajder  2@  
1 : German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Space Systems, Bremen, Germany
2 : PW Sznajder, P3RUN - Radiation Hardness Assurance & Data Science Expertise, DolinaZielona 19A, 65-154 Zielona Gora
* : Corresponding author

The poster presents the Complex Irradiation Facility (CIF) [1] at DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen, which is designed to study the degradation of materials in simulated space environment. It is equipped for the simultaneous irradiation with three light sources, which cover the wavelength range from 40 nm to 2150 nm of the solar electromagnetic spectrum, and an accelerator for protons and electrons in the energy range from 2.5keV to 100keV. The design and the specifications are shown in detail. The light sources of the Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) facility are a Solar simulator with a Xe‐lamp, a Deuterium lamp, and an Argon‐VUV‐simulator. The latter enables the irradiation of samples in the wavelength range down to 40 nm, which is produced by electron bombardment of a meanly Argon containing gas mixture.

The radiation sources are directed to the sample station in the center of the irradiation chamber where an effective area of 60 mm x 60 mm can be irradiated. The station can be turned in three positions to get a perpendicular orientation between the sample surface and the axis of one source. Furthermore, the station can be cooled down to liquid Nitrogen level and heated up electrically during irradiation.

Besides the installed radiation sensors, which control the stability of the radiation sources, and an attached mass spectrometer for analyzing the outgassing processes in the chamber, the construction of CIF allows adding other in‐situ measurement systems to measure parameters that are of the user's interest.

The alteration of materials' directional reflectivity, solar absorptance, and thermal emittance can be measured in the range of 0.25 µm to 25 µm by a Bruker Vertex 80V FTIR spectrometer by using a special reflection unit or integrating spheres.

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