MATREX - MATerial Recording EXperience: Materials database for space application
Marion Broutelle  1, *@  , Thierry Battault  1@  , Héloïse Feneyrou  2@  
1 : Centre National d\'Études Spatiales [Toulouse]
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales - CNES (Toulouse, France)
* : Corresponding author

MATREX is a materials database developed under CNES contract in order to capitalize experience based on different space projects. For a large set of materials usually used in space applications, it provides information on materials properties, uses on space projetcs and possible anomalies. Some risks linked to M&P management (REACh, obsolesence, technical risks) are also registered.


MATREX database contains about 1300 materials sheets (320 with registered risks), 108 projects and is used by a hundred people. The database was created about 25 years ago and has been evolving with the space projects needs. The actual version (MATREX V5) is newly available since 2024 summer. The access is not only granted to CNES members, but can be given to CNES partners if they request it ( For example, MATREX was chosen to be the matarial database used by the ESMDB (European Space Material DataBase) working group.


This database is an evolutive application: new materials, new properties and new risks have to be implemented regularly. CNES members, partners and suppliers should update the database with their data, which will be checked and authorized by CNES materials experts.


MATREX can be used to manage obsolescence risks and consequences. Information about obsolescence risks are stored in the “Risk” part of each material sheet (Fig. 1). The database is also helpful to increase tracability. Indeed, it can be used to store documents regarding obsolescence reasons, and tests performed to compare the old and new versions of a material. Finally, we use MATREX to indicate relevant substitutes when a material should not be used anymore (in case of a reglementation modification or an end of production).

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