Polymer Coatings as a Pathway to atomic level cleanliness, bioburden reduction and surface sampling of DNA
James Hamilton  1@  
1 : University of Wisconsin-Platteville

In this talk, we present recent data and results from our multiyear efforts in two different NASA SBIR programs that addressed technology gaps in contamination control and planetary protection. In initial work culminating in 2022 and 2024, we designed, developed, and tested a new family of Apply-Dry-Peel polymer coatings that safely remove particulates and leave no detectable residues. Our purpose was to address the following needs identified by the community as being on the critical path for future space telescopes. 1. Protection and cleaning of precision space surfaces is entering a new era where "cleaner than a cleanroom" is effectively a mission requirement. Zero tolerance for light scattering, especially from particulates, is paramount for starshade spacecraft technology as well as for precision interferometry like that proposed for the space-based LISA gravitational wave space observatory. 2. Creating and maintaining cleanliness is necessary to enable far UV astronomy and astrophysics because molecular absorption cross-sections are so overwhelming at short wavelengths that even monolayers of contamination can squelch photon signals. XPS and other data will be presented for these new polymers that indicate we are on the path to safe and reliable atomic-level cleanliness. 3. A safe, tested and prequalified method to mitigate accidental contamination on flight optics is need to reduce mission risk in the event of a mishap to flight hardware. 4. Heating for planetary protection and bioburden reduction has been de rigueur for decades, and surface assay and sampling by wipes and swabs has sub-optimal efficiencies. The high-efficiency polymers and protocols developed through this research not only clean and protect but also significantly increase sampling precision and reliability for bacteria and fungi as well as DNA. One branch of the polymer family recovers 99.3% of DNA spotted onto surfaces when peeled and bioburden reduction of 94-98% or higher is typical.

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