Secondary Electron Emission Measurements of Black paint for on-orbit demonstration evaluation
Kumi Nitta  1, *@  , Seiichiroh Kan, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa@
1 : Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
* : Corresponding author

We studied measurement of secondary electron emission (SEE) of metal and insulating materials used for satellite thermal insulation or other such purposes. The SEE yield measurement is very important for analyzing charge accumulation on satellite surfaces for a space environment because electron emission related to irradiated electron influences the amount of surface charge. We considered degradation phenomena of surface materials for spacecraft caused by radioactive rays. Those SEE yields might change compared to a non- degradation sample. We measured the SEE yield of spacecraft surface materials treated using degradation processes. To prepare the decomposed samples, these samples were attached to the Exposure Experiment Handrail Mounting Mechanism (ExHAM) and irradiated in the space environment. We took three irradiation conditions in the orbit and operational period of the International Space Station. This report introduces measurement results of black paint. We also introduce results of the SEE yield of the black paint applied degradation process simulated space thermal condition and discuss the relationship between the SEE yields and sample degradation.

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